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Pinoresinol diglucoside
Pinoresinol diglucoside

IUPAC (2S,3R,5S)-2-(hydroxymethyl)-6-(2-methoxy-4-((S)-tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)phenoxy)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-3,4,5-triol compound with (2S,3R,5S,6R)-2-(4-((S)-1-ethoxyethyl)-2-methoxyphenoxy)-6-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-3,4,5-triol (1:1) 
CAS 63902-38-5 
Molecular formula C34H50O16 
Average molecular mass (Molecular weight) 714.761 
Exact molecular mass (Monoisotopic mass) 714.3099 
[M+H]+ 715.3177 
[M-H]- 713.3021 


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Traditional Medical & Pharmaceutical Database

Section of Pharmacognosy,
Division of Medicinal Resources,
Department of Research and Development,
Institute of Natural Medicine,
University of Toyama
2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194 Japan
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