Market name:檳榔子
Photo location:Museum of Materia Medica, Inst. of Nat. Med.
TMPW No.:2106
Areca catechu
Plant name:Areca catechu
Photo location:India
Photo date:2000
Photographer:K. Komatsu

Latin name Arecae Semen
Botanical source: Family name Palmae
Botanical source: Plant name Areca catechu Linné (IPNI:664107-1)
Part used Ripe seed
Empirical criteria for quality selection Good one has not been damaged by insects and has no hole at the hilum. The shape is oblate (TN).
Constituents Fatty acids:
Lauric acid, Myristic acid, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, Stearic acid, Capric acid


Arecoline, Arecaidine, Guvacoline, Guvacine, Isoguvacine
Pharmacological effects Excitation of parasympathetic nerve, central excitation, smooth muscle contraction, stimulation of mucus secretory gland, decrease in blood pressure (arecoline), anthelmintic (alcohol extract/earthworm, tapeworm).
Indications As an astringent and stomachic, it is applied to treat beriberi, abdominal distention, abdominal pain and indigestion. It is also used as an anthelmintic for tapeworm, glaucoma and ointment base.
Diseases Full stomach, Abdominal pain, Constipation, Tenesmus, Beriberi edema, Roundworm, Malaria
Formulas ureitsukisan , en'nenhangeto , kumibinroto , keimeisankabukuryo , shobaito , jurokumiryukiin , nyoshinsan , henseishinkiin
Meridian tropism Stomach, Large intestine
Property Warm
Flavor Acrid/pungent, Bitter
Classification in "Shen-non Ben-cao Jing" Middle
TCM: Classification Anthelmintics
TCM: Medicinal effects To kill worms, to remove undigested food, to promote the flow of qi, and to stop malarial attacks.
Used for taeniasis, ascariasis, fasciolopsiasis, abdominal pain due to intestinal parasitosis, diarrhea and tenesmus due to accumulation of undigested food, edema and weakness of the legs, and malaria.
Remarks Listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia 18th ed.
References TN: T. Namba & Y. Tsuda ed., Outline of Pharmacognosy, a Textbook, 3rd ed., Nankodo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1998.
DNA sequences of medicinal plants
Gene Region
Nuclear Chloroplast Mitochondria
Botanical source: Plant name 5Ss 18S ITS1 5.8S ITS2 26S others trnH-psbA matK trnK trnK-rps16 trnT-L trnL trnL-F rbcL rpoC1 ndhF others
Areca catechu Linné (IPNI:664107-1)
PRK gene
PRK gene
malate synthase gene


Information on genetic analysis

Metabolism information on chemical compounds included in crude drugs

Traditional Medical & Pharmaceutical Database

Section of Pharmacognosy,
Division of Medicinal Resources,
Department of Research and Development,
Institute of Natural Medicine,
University of Toyama
2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194 Japan
TEL: +81-76-434-7601
FAX: +81-76-434-5064