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Cyperus Rhizome
Cyperus Rhizome
Market name:香附子
Photo location:Museum of Materia Medica, Inst. of Nat. Med.
TMPW No.:115
Cyperus rotundus
Plant name:Cyperus rotundus
Photo location:Kyoto Pref., Japan
Photo date:1988
Photographer:M. Mikage

Latin name Cyperi Rhizoma
Botanical source: Family name Cyperaceae
Botanical source: Plant name Cyperus rotundus Linné (IPNI:305797-1)
Part used Rhizome
Empirical criteria for quality selection Good one is large, dense and has a strong aroma. The one with dark inside is not good (TN).
Constituents Lipids:
[Indian C. rotundus]: Linoleic acid, Linolenic acid, Oleic acid, Myristic acid, Glycerides of stearic acid

[Indian C. rotundus]: Glucose, Fructose

Terpenoids (Essential oils):
Cyperene, Cyperol, Isocyperol, Cyperotundone, Sugeonol, Sugetriol, Cyperolone, Kobusone, Isokobusone, Patchchoulenyl acetate, Sugeonyl acetate;
[Indian C. rotundus]: α-Cyperone, β-Cyperone, l-α-Pinene, Copadiene

Oleanoic acid, 3-O-(2-Rhamnoglucosyl)-oleanoic acid
Pharmacological effects Suppression of uterine contraction and analgesic (extract). Antibacterial.
Indications As an emmenagogue, clearing blood and painkiller, it is applied to treat paramenia, algomenorrhea, spiritual instability due to gynecologic disorder, stomachache, abdominal pain, lack of appetite and etc.
Diseases Pain due to flatulence of hypochondrium, Full stomach, Depression, Feeling of pressure in the chest, Vomitting, Dyspepsia, Lower abdominal pain, Menorrhalgia, Irregular menstruation
Formulas ureitsukisan , kishukunichinto , kyukichoketsuin , kyukichoketsuindaiichikagen , koshaheiisan , koshayoito , kosharikkunshito , kososan , goshakusan , saikosokanto , saisoin , shobaito , jiinshihoto , jijintsujito , senkyuchachosan , chikujountanto , nijutsuto , nyoshinsan , bunshoto
Meridian tropism Liver, Triple energizer
Property Neutral
Flavor Acrid/pungent, Slightly bitter
Classification in "Shen-non Ben-cao Jing"  
TCM: Classification Drugs for regulating the flow of vital energy (Drugs for dispelling internal cold)
TCM: Medicinal effects To remove stagnation of qi, regulate menstruation and relieve pain.
Used for stagnation of the liver qi characterized by distending pain in the chest, hypochondria and epigastrium, indigestion, a feeling of stuffiness in the chest and epigastrium, abdominal colic, distending pain in the breast, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea.
Remarks Listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia 18th ed.
References TN: T. Namba & Y. Tsuda ed., Outline of Pharmacognosy, a Textbook, 3rd ed., Nankodo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1998.
DNA sequences of medicinal plants
Gene Region
Nuclear Chloroplast Mitochondria
Botanical source: Plant name 5Ss 18S ITS1 5.8S ITS2 26S others trnH-psbA matK trnK trnK-rps16 trnT-L trnL trnL-F rbcL rpoC1 ndhF others
Cyperus rotundus Linné (IPNI:305797-1)


Information on genetic analysis

Information of bioassay

Metabolism information on chemical compounds included in crude drugs

Traditional Medical & Pharmaceutical Database

Section of Pharmacognosy,
Division of Medicinal Resources,
Department of Research and Development,
Institute of Natural Medicine,
University of Toyama
2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194 Japan
TEL: +81-76-434-7601
FAX: +81-76-434-5064