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Polygonum Root
Polygonum Root
TMPW No.:1222

Latin name Polygoni Multiflori Radix
Botanical source: Family name Polygonaxeae
Botanical source: Plant name Polygonum multiflorum Thunberg (IPNI:927345-1)
Part used Root
Empirical criteria for quality selection The radixes looks like a string of beads. After cutting roots, the cross section of good one is big, pale red and has a flower-like pattern. It has five deep longitudinal grooves on the external (NI).
Constituents Anthraquinones:
Chrysophanol, Emodin



Indole alkaloids:
Indole-3-(L-α-amino-α-hydroxypropionic acid) methyl ester
Pharmacological effects Enhancing intestinal movement (water extract), suppression of the cholesterol absorption from intestinal tract, and corticotropin like action.
Indications Being tonic, cathartic and enriching blood, it is applied to treat insufficiency of essence and blood, backache with weakness of the knee joint, pollution, leukorrhea, white hair etc.
Diseases Lightheadedness, Bleary eyes, Vertigo, Ear buzzing, Heaviness and powerlessness in lumber and knee, Numbness, Alopecia, Premature gray hair, Spermatorrhea, Chill, Fever, Pyogenic dermatosis, Cervical lymphadenopathy, Itching, Constipation, Hyperlipidemia
Formulas tokiinshi
Meridian tropism Liver, Kidney
Property Warm
Flavor Bitter, Sweet, Astringent
Classification in "Shen-non Ben-cao Jing"  
TCM: Classification Tonics
TCM: Medicinal effects To counteract toxicity, to cure carbuncles, and to relax bowels; used for lymphadenitis, carbuncles, urticaria with itching, constipation, and hyperlipemia.
Remarks Listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia 18th ed.
Baiheshouwu (白何首烏 in CN) is the root of Cynanchum auriculatum Royle of family Asclepiadaceae, C. bungei Dcne. (Koikema in JP), C. wilfordii Hemsl. and other species.
References NI: N. Isshiki, Methods of Quality Evaluation and Preparation of Wakan-yaku, Tohodo Shoten, Tokyo, 1987.


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Traditional Medical & Pharmaceutical Database

Section of Pharmacognosy,
Division of Medicinal Resources,
Department of Research and Development,
Institute of Natural Medicine,
University of Toyama
2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194 Japan
TEL: +81-76-434-7601
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