Menu  → Medical information on Kampo formulas  → 
(Gui Zhi Jia Shao Yao Da Huang Tang)
Crude drug composition Cinnamon Bark , Peony Root , Jujube , Ginger , (Fresh Ginger) , Glycyrrhiza , Rhubarb
Target condition keishikashakuyakudaioto is used for the patients in the stage of Tai yin (greater yin) and the condition of between Hypo- and Hyperfunction, who has the symptoms such as abdominal fullness, abdominal pain, diarrheaまたはconstipation
Indication abdominal fullness, tenesmus, abdominalgia, enteritis, acute gastroenteritis, acute colitis, catarrhal gastroenteritis, habitual constipation, fecal ulcer


Information on genetic analysis

Information of bioassay

Metabolism information on chemical compounds included in crude drugs

Traditional Medical & Pharmaceutical Database

Section of Pharmacognosy,
Division of Medicinal Resources,
Department of Research and Development,
Institute of Natural Medicine,
University of Toyama
2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194 Japan
TEL: +81-76-434-7601
FAX: +81-76-434-5064